I've been wanting to write this post for a few weeks now, but I haven't been quite sure how to begin. So, I guess I'll just start at the beginning...
I've struggled with my weight and body image my entire life. I guess that up until middle school I would have been considered "average", but once high school hit I spun out of control. I gained and gained weight and although I hated the way I looked and felt, I never really did much about it. Eating calmed me. Food has always been a lifelong companion. After college I hit my highest weight ever and finally decided that I couldn't stand to hate my body any longer. I went on an extremely restrictive diet and started an obsessive exercise routine. Nothing about the way I lost weight was healthy...it involved laxatives, starving myself for days on end, and using just about every dieting "trick" out there. Looking back, it's evident to me that I was developing an eating disorder, but I was finally losing weight for the first time in my life and that felt more important to me than my health. I lost 75 pounds in about 9 months and for the first time I didn't hate what I saw in the mirror. I became obsessed with shopping and trying on clothes just to see if I could fit into smaller and smaller sizes. A little while after getting down to my lowest weight ever, the relationship I was in at the time ended and I found myself living alone again. I got a second job at a restaurant to be able to afford living on my own and the pounds slowly started to creep back on. A few years went by and at that point I was right in between my highest and lowest weights, hating my body but not wanting to do anything drastic again to change it.
I met my husband right around that time. Thankfully, he has always made me feel beautiful and has loved my body just as it is. Together we both gained and lost weight several times over the years. In the year before we got pregnant, I put on close to twenty pounds! I really think it was a combination of the fertility drugs and just not taking care of myself. The fertility treatments stressed me out and depressed me, and I completely stopped exercising or watching what I ate over that year. The day we got pregnant I was only thirteen pounds below my highest weight ever. Scary!! I really, really disliked my body at that time and worried that pregnancy was only going to make things that much worse. But, we were having a baby, and the joy I felt because of that made everything else seem so much better.
Fast forward to now. I've been incredibly lucky to have not gained any weight yet this entire pregnancy. I think so much of this has to do with the fact that I was very overweight to begin with. My doctor always tells me that baby will take what baby needs, and so far she has done just that. The absolute craziest part of this pregnancy to me though is how I feel about my body now. I've spent my whole life hating how I look... analyzing and criticizing every roll and dimple. Now my body has a different purpose though. It's not just about how I look anymore, I'm GROWING another human being inside of me. It is the most amazing thing I'll ever do in my life. I've never loved my body more, not for how it looks but for what it can DO. I don't hate what I see in the mirror anymore...not to say that after giving birth I won't feel differently! I don't even mind my stretch marks or my cellulite. I actually like the way I look in my maternity clothes and I feel so proud of my belly. It's a very strange feeling to have when I've spent my whole life trying to hide in my clothes and feeling uncomfortable in my skin. Feeling Abby move inside of me is the best thing I've ever felt. Pregnancy isn't very comfortable, and I certainly didn't enjoy it much in the first two trimesters when I was in pain and sick so often, but I am LOVING being pregnant right now. I'm sad that it will be over soon! I really can't wait to meet our baby though. I can't wait to be a family and see my husband as a dad. I can't wait to be a mom. I can't wait to see who Abby looks like and what personality traits she gets from me and Dave. But a small part of me wishes that I could stay pregnant! And I'm already looking forward to getting pregnant again (although if I can order up a pregnancy without morning sickness that would be amazing!). What a different tune I'm singing from a few months ago! I guess hormones will do that to a girl :) Anyway, I wanted to make sure that I write this post, more for my own sake than anyone else's. Later, after I've given birth and I'm not feeling so great about my body again, I can look back at this post and remember that it's not just about how I look. I can remember how grateful I feel right now to be able to grow this baby inside of me and know that every stretch mark and bit of extra skin was for the greatest reason on earth!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
36 Weeks
I'm 36 weeks pregnant today and writing the beginning of this post from the doctor's office. I had another routine non-stress test today but unfortunately Abby didn't cooperate :( I was hooked up to the monitors for an hour and a half before they took me to have an ultrasound. The u/s tech I had today was snarky and not at all friendly like the one I've had the last few times. She said that Abby scored an 8/8 on her biophysical profile, so that was good news. I'm just waiting to see the doctor now and was told that it's going to be at least a half hour because she is busy doing a procedure. Talk about being irritated! At least I don't have to go to work after this.
Here is my 36 week picture. Please excuse the super tight and short regular t-shirt. I just didn't feel like getting dolled up for this one!
This week Abby is the size of a crenshaw melon, weighing around 6 pounds. Last week I was told I would be having a growth ultrasound this week, but then today the tech said that's not correct and I won't be having another one at all. I'm kind of bummed about that!
36 Week Survey
How far along: 36 weeks
Gender: Still a girl!
Labor Signs: None.
Belly Button in or out: Still in.
I ended up being able to see the doctor and am now finishing this post the following day. She said that Abby is just fine since she scored an 8/8 on her biophysical profile, so that's good news. I was still measuring at 35cm, which is what I've been measuring for the last three weeks. She does want me to have another growth ultrasound next week after all since my fundal height hasn't changed in nearly a month. The doctor didn't really seem concerned about this, but of course it worries me a little. Hopefully all is fine and baby girl is still growing right on target. There was no talk of induction or anything like that yet, especially since my blood pressure was great and I'm not having any other signs of pre-eclampsia. At this point it's just a waiting game really. Of course I want Abby to be fully baked and ready for the outside world, but I'm also more than ready to meet our little girl!
Here is my 36 week picture. Please excuse the super tight and short regular t-shirt. I just didn't feel like getting dolled up for this one!
And here is a close up shot of the baby belly in all of its glory!
This week Abby is the size of a crenshaw melon, weighing around 6 pounds. Last week I was told I would be having a growth ultrasound this week, but then today the tech said that's not correct and I won't be having another one at all. I'm kind of bummed about that!
36 Week Survey
How far along: 36 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I'm at a net loss of 3 pounds as of today.
Maternity clothes: All!
Stretch marks: I have a lot now.
Maternity clothes: All!
Stretch marks: I have a lot now.
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well this week. I think it's because I know I don't have to get up and go to work :)
Best moment this week: Christmas was very nice!
Movement: Yes, although I guess she still doesn't move as much as other babies do because she keeps failing her NST's!
Food cravings: I've eaten a lot of Christmas cookies this week.Gender: Still a girl!
Labor Signs: None.
Belly Button in or out: Still in.
What I miss: I missed holiday cocktails this week.
What I am looking forward to: I'm looking forward to meeting our baby girl!
Milestones: None that I can think of this week.
Milestones: None that I can think of this week.
I ended up being able to see the doctor and am now finishing this post the following day. She said that Abby is just fine since she scored an 8/8 on her biophysical profile, so that's good news. I was still measuring at 35cm, which is what I've been measuring for the last three weeks. She does want me to have another growth ultrasound next week after all since my fundal height hasn't changed in nearly a month. The doctor didn't really seem concerned about this, but of course it worries me a little. Hopefully all is fine and baby girl is still growing right on target. There was no talk of induction or anything like that yet, especially since my blood pressure was great and I'm not having any other signs of pre-eclampsia. At this point it's just a waiting game really. Of course I want Abby to be fully baked and ready for the outside world, but I'm also more than ready to meet our little girl!
Friday, December 21, 2012
35 Weeks!
Today I'm 35 weeks pregnant! I'm also done with work and have officially "retired", as Dave likes to say. It was very bittersweet! I've been ready for so long to move on from my job as a nanny, but the last few days brought a crazy mix of emotions. It's so bizarre to think that I won't be going to their house every day anymore. I'm incredibly excited for what's to come, but I can't help but be a little sad at what I'm leaving behind too, if that makes sense. Here are a few pictures of the twins when they were much younger:
Age when you found out you were pregnant: 31
Did you experience any pregnancy symptoms?: Morning sickness and lots of it!
How far along were you when you found out?: 3 weeks and 3 days when I got my first + home test. 3 weeks and 5 days when the blood test confirmed.
Was your little one planned or a surprise?: Very much planned!
When is your EDD?: 1/25/13
How many weeks are you currently?: 35
Is this your first child? If not, how many do you have?: First!
What was your first reaction when you found out you were pregnant?: Complete shock and extreme happiness at the same time!
Who was the first person you told that you were pregnant?: Dave, followed by my sister.
How far along were you when you felt baby kick for the first time?: I started feeling flutters just shy of 14 weeks.
What month did you find out the sex of your baby?: August
Are you having a boy or girl?: GIRL!
What cravings have you had?: SWEETS. Chocolate, ice cream, french toast with syrup, gummy worms...just lots and lots of sugar.
Have you/are you planning on attending any Lamaze classes?: No, but we took a child birth class.
Do you have a name picked out?: Yep! Abigail Elizabeth Main
When did you decide on a name? Who picked it?: We had chosen Seth and Amelia for our two names...but my feelings that the baby was a girl were very strong. Right before our elective 16 week gender scan, I realized that I wasn't in *love* with the name Amelia anymore. I was visiting my sister in OH when I called Dave urgently and told him we needed to find a new name. He wanted to wait until after we found out for sure what we were having, but in my heart I really just knew it was a girl and she needed to be named right that minute! Abigail had been on our short list of girl names before, so he suggested it again. I was leaning towards Leah, but couldn't get him on board. I've always loved the name Abigail (and the nickname Abby), so we agreed on Abby. We found out at the ultrasound that it was in fact a girl! It was wonderful to be able to call her by her name right from the moment we knew that she was a little girl :) Having her name picked out and sharing it with family and friends has helped me develop a really strong connection to her before her birth.
What kind of birth plan are you considering?: I would really like to have a vaginal birth, but I want an epidural if possible. I don't need a gold star at the end of this, just for me and Abby to both be healthy!
What pregnancy discomforts have you experienced?: Morning sickness up until the third trimester was probably the worst of it. It seems like a distant memory now though! Carpal tunnel, plus back aches and body pains are my main discomforts. I'm actually finally starting to really enjoy my pregnancy. Go figure since it'll be over soon!
What pregnancy related books have you read/are you currently reading?: My sister gave me a huge stack of pregnancy and baby books that I've browsed throughout pregnancy. The main book on my to-read list right now is "Happiest Baby On The Block", which came highly recommended by our childbirth class instructor as well as several blog moms I follow online.
Any weird pregnancy dreams?: Definitely. None that I can recall right now though!
Who do you want in the delivery room with you?: Just Dave. I believe that child birth is something private that just he and I should share together. In fact, we would prefer not to have any visitors for at least a couple of hours so that I can establish breastfeeding and we can both have ample skin-to-skin bonding time with Abby before other family members want to hold her. Selfish, maybe, but we worked really hard to have her and I don't want to have to share her right away :)
Are you planning on breast feeding?: Yes. I'm really nervous about it because sometimes women with my hormonal condition can have low supply issues. I feel just about as prepared as I can be though, and I'm willing to do just about anything to make it work!
Do you plan on having any more little ones?: Yes, we would like one more!
And this is from yesterday, my last day as their nanny:
We certainly had some rough times, and the job was not always perfect and definitely not glamorous, but overall it was such a great experience for me. I've cared for those kids since they were 4 years old and now they are almost 14! The family always treated me very well and compensated me extremely generously. Every time I thought about leaving, I found so many more reasons to stay. I really hope that they can continue to be part of my life and get to know Abby too.
Now, on to my 35 week picture! Don't mind my weird half-smile, I took this in a huge hurry.
This week Abigail weighs as much as a honeydew melon! She is running out of room as space is getting tight. Most of her basic physical development is now complete and she just needs to spend the next few weeks fattening up!
This week I thought I would try out a different survey, since the weeks are dwindling down!
Did you experience any pregnancy symptoms?: Morning sickness and lots of it!
How far along were you when you found out?: 3 weeks and 3 days when I got my first + home test. 3 weeks and 5 days when the blood test confirmed.
Was your little one planned or a surprise?: Very much planned!
When is your EDD?: 1/25/13
How many weeks are you currently?: 35
Is this your first child? If not, how many do you have?: First!
What was your first reaction when you found out you were pregnant?: Complete shock and extreme happiness at the same time!
Who was the first person you told that you were pregnant?: Dave, followed by my sister.
How far along were you when you felt baby kick for the first time?: I started feeling flutters just shy of 14 weeks.
What month did you find out the sex of your baby?: August
Are you having a boy or girl?: GIRL!
What cravings have you had?: SWEETS. Chocolate, ice cream, french toast with syrup, gummy worms...just lots and lots of sugar.
Have you/are you planning on attending any Lamaze classes?: No, but we took a child birth class.
Do you have a name picked out?: Yep! Abigail Elizabeth Main
When did you decide on a name? Who picked it?: We had chosen Seth and Amelia for our two names...but my feelings that the baby was a girl were very strong. Right before our elective 16 week gender scan, I realized that I wasn't in *love* with the name Amelia anymore. I was visiting my sister in OH when I called Dave urgently and told him we needed to find a new name. He wanted to wait until after we found out for sure what we were having, but in my heart I really just knew it was a girl and she needed to be named right that minute! Abigail had been on our short list of girl names before, so he suggested it again. I was leaning towards Leah, but couldn't get him on board. I've always loved the name Abigail (and the nickname Abby), so we agreed on Abby. We found out at the ultrasound that it was in fact a girl! It was wonderful to be able to call her by her name right from the moment we knew that she was a little girl :) Having her name picked out and sharing it with family and friends has helped me develop a really strong connection to her before her birth.
What kind of birth plan are you considering?: I would really like to have a vaginal birth, but I want an epidural if possible. I don't need a gold star at the end of this, just for me and Abby to both be healthy!
What pregnancy discomforts have you experienced?: Morning sickness up until the third trimester was probably the worst of it. It seems like a distant memory now though! Carpal tunnel, plus back aches and body pains are my main discomforts. I'm actually finally starting to really enjoy my pregnancy. Go figure since it'll be over soon!
What pregnancy related books have you read/are you currently reading?: My sister gave me a huge stack of pregnancy and baby books that I've browsed throughout pregnancy. The main book on my to-read list right now is "Happiest Baby On The Block", which came highly recommended by our childbirth class instructor as well as several blog moms I follow online.
Any weird pregnancy dreams?: Definitely. None that I can recall right now though!
Who do you want in the delivery room with you?: Just Dave. I believe that child birth is something private that just he and I should share together. In fact, we would prefer not to have any visitors for at least a couple of hours so that I can establish breastfeeding and we can both have ample skin-to-skin bonding time with Abby before other family members want to hold her. Selfish, maybe, but we worked really hard to have her and I don't want to have to share her right away :)
Are you planning on breast feeding?: Yes. I'm really nervous about it because sometimes women with my hormonal condition can have low supply issues. I feel just about as prepared as I can be though, and I'm willing to do just about anything to make it work!
Do you plan on having any more little ones?: Yes, we would like one more!
We have a very busy few days coming up. Today I have my weekly OB appointments all morning, and then this afternoon my sister and her family are coming to town for the weekend to celebrate Christmas with us. I can't wait to see my niece and nephew! Next week is Christmas already, which I can't even believe! If I get any more ultrasound pictures or news from today's appointments I will be sure to update. Until then, Happy Holidays!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
34 Week NST and Ultrasound
This week I started being monitored more closely due to my preexisting hypertension. I really do like that they are monitoring me so closely, but at the same time the appointments have been a bit of a pain to schedule around work. Thankfully since I'll be done working after this Thursday, that won't be a problem anymore! I went in to have my first non-stress test (NST) done on Friday morning. I was also scheduled to have a quick ultrasound to check my amniotic fluid level, plus an office visit with one of the doctors. For the NST, the nurse took me back behind a curtained-off area and had me get comfortable in a leather recliner. Then she hooked up two different monitors to my bump, one to monitor Abby's heart rate and one to monitor any contractions. NST's are supposed to last about 20 minutes or so, and the test measures how the baby's heart rate reacts to her movements. After 20 minutes, Abby was not responding the way that they wanted her to, so I had some juice and a snack to try to get her moving. After another 20 minutes, she still wasn't responsive. At this point the nurse went to get the doctor, and then I stayed hooked up to the monitors for yet another 20 minutes. The nurse then came back in and took me straight to an ultrasound room. I was really starting to freak out by that time thinking that something was wrong with our baby! The strangest thing is that I honestly felt like Abby was moving just like normal. I feel her move a lot throughout the day, but it's never really huge movements. She's a pretty mellow baby I guess! So, I went in for the ultrasound and thankfully got the same tech that Dave and I had last week at our growth ultrasound. She was super nice and throughout the ultrasound reassured me that Abby was just peacefully sleeping and sucking on her fingers. We watched her practicing her breathing over and over again, which is apparently a good sign because a baby in distress would not be practice breathing. The tech finally got Abby to move a little bit and after about a half hour, she said that Abby had passed the test and I could go see the doctor now. I didn't actually realize there was a specific test being done! I went into another exam room and immediately met with yet another doctor from the practice, Dr. Thomas. She was quite young and very nice. Dr. Thomas reassured me right away that Abby was perfectly fine and just happened to be sound asleep for most of the NST. She explained that during the ultrasound the tech did a biophysical profile on the baby and that she scored an 8 out of 8. This meant that she was doing her practice breathing, she opened and closed her hands and performed other body movements, the amniotic fluid level was adequate, and her heart rate increased appropriately with movement. Talk about being relieved!! My blood pressure was 112/72, which the doctor said was great. I was actually measuring a little smaller than I was last week, but that could be due to the baby's position and also just the way that each doctor might measure slightly differently. The doctor said everything was great and sent me on my way! For my next NST I'm going to be sure to eat a bigger meal closer to the test time and also have some sugary juice. I ate breakfast a few hours before my appointment this week and only had a small snack right before the NST, so hopefully changing the time that I eat will keep Abby awake and active during the test. Here are some of the ultrasound pictures that the tech printed for us!
Here is Abby sucking on her fingers while sleeping
And here is her cute little fist :)
That's all the updates I have for now! Our next appointment is on Friday when I turn 35 weeks. We also have my sister, brother-in-law, niece, and nephew coming to visit for a long weekend so that should be lots of fun and I'll try to remember to take lots of pictures!
Friday, December 14, 2012
34 Weeks!
Today marks 34 weeks of pregnancy under my belt! Today I also start having non-stress tests, amniotic fluid checks, and at least weekly check-ups. My OB's office called yesterday to let me know that they will most likely be adding more NST's, so those will probably be biweekly soon. I'm a little nervous to start all this testing! I just hope that Abby is still doing great. She's moving around a ton right now, so it will be just my luck that she'll be asleep for the NST and it will take twice as long. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen. This week I've been feeling pretty good pregnancy-wise, but on Wednesday night I started getting a sore throat, and by Thursday when I woke up I had a super sore throat, a headache, body aches, congestion, etc. Not fun! I took a short day at work because I had to go to my breastfeeding class that night, and the extra rest did seem to help a bit. I'm still not feeling super great, but I feel too guilty taking any more paid time off work right now, so I'm just going to have to power through today. Thankfully we have a pretty low key weekend on the calendar so I should be able to get a lot of extra rest. Here is my 34 week picture:
This week Abby weighs as much as a cantaloupe, which is about 4.75 lbs. That sounds just about right since she weighed about 4 pounds 5 ounces last week.
Gender: Still a girl!
Labor Signs: None.
Belly Button in or out: Still in.
I think that's all for the week. I am really ready to be done working. Just four days left next week and that's it! My boss has decided that she is going to keep working part time, which then brought ideas to my mind about me also working part time. It's nothing they've suggested, but I know that if I brought the idea to them they would most likely take me up on it. Part of me thinks that the extra money would be worth it, but then another part of me really wants to stop working for good for now and take some time at home with the baby. In the end, I guess I can always reassess in a few months and see how things are going. The funny thing is that the family I work for has had 8 months to figure things out and all along the plan was that the mom was no longer going to be working. Now that her plans have changed, it's making me second guess our plans too. But there's no question in my mind that I want to be a stay at home mom, so I'd like to at least give it a try. We've run the numbers back and forth and although it will be really tight, with some sacrifices we can make it work. The appeal of a not-so-tight budget is certainly there though, so I guess it's something to keep on the back burner for now. We'll see how things go!
This week Abby weighs as much as a cantaloupe, which is about 4.75 lbs. That sounds just about right since she weighed about 4 pounds 5 ounces last week.
34 Week Survey
How far along: 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I lost 2 pounds this week, which is a total net loss of 5 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I think it was partially from feeling sick and not eating as much. Plus I've noticed that my stomach seems smaller lately. I tried to eat a big dinner last night and felt nauseous for a while afterwards.
Maternity clothes: All!
Stretch marks: Nothing new is really noticeable this week.
Maternity clothes: All!
Stretch marks: Nothing new is really noticeable this week.
Sleep: Meh. It is what it is.
Best moment this week: I can't really think of anything this week! Hopefully once I'm feeling better my attitude will turn around. Maybe the mild weather?
Movement: Yep, lots.
Food cravings: French toast this week! With butter and syrup. I had it at least three times. Yum!Gender: Still a girl!
Labor Signs: None.
Belly Button in or out: Still in.
What I miss: Just sleeping on my stomach and being able to have a cocktail, the usual things.
What I am looking forward to: Hopefully everything going well at today's OB appointment, and being done working!
Milestones: This coming week I'll officially be 8 months along.
Milestones: This coming week I'll officially be 8 months along.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Our Couples Shower!
This past weekend our friends Kendra and Ali hosted a couples baby shower for me and Dave! The shower was so much fun and as usual, Kendra and Ali were the perfect hostesses! It was so great to celebrate Abby's upcoming arrival with lots of our good friends, including some that we haven't seen in quite a while. Several babies have been welcomed into the group in the last year and there will be a few more this coming year too, so it's an exciting time to say the least! I love that we are getting to experience parenthood with our friends and that our babies will grow up together!
Our friends love to get together for a party and the shower was no exception :) Beverages were flowing, and after a few games we had salad and pizza from a great local place. Dave and I received so many adorable clothes, toys, books, and other items for Abby. We're pretty much ready for her arrival other than a few little odds and ends! Some of the games at the shower included a game called Couple Shuffle, where Kendra used a computer program to mesh peoples' faces together to see what their adult children would look like! The game included everyone at the party and it was hilarious trying to figure out which two people (not always from an actual couple!) were represented. Guests also had to try to guess how many times I used the restroom in a four hour time period! The guys all played a game where they had to see how far they could launch a pacifier using only their mouth, and we all played a baby facts trivia game. They were very fun and original games and my cheeks hurt from laughing! After games, dinner, and gifts most guests stayed for hours talking, drinking, and playing games. Dave and I finally called it a night around 11pm, but I'm sure the party continued for a while after that :) Here are some pictures from the shower:
Our friends love to get together for a party and the shower was no exception :) Beverages were flowing, and after a few games we had salad and pizza from a great local place. Dave and I received so many adorable clothes, toys, books, and other items for Abby. We're pretty much ready for her arrival other than a few little odds and ends! Some of the games at the shower included a game called Couple Shuffle, where Kendra used a computer program to mesh peoples' faces together to see what their adult children would look like! The game included everyone at the party and it was hilarious trying to figure out which two people (not always from an actual couple!) were represented. Guests also had to try to guess how many times I used the restroom in a four hour time period! The guys all played a game where they had to see how far they could launch a pacifier using only their mouth, and we all played a baby facts trivia game. They were very fun and original games and my cheeks hurt from laughing! After games, dinner, and gifts most guests stayed for hours talking, drinking, and playing games. Dave and I finally called it a night around 11pm, but I'm sure the party continued for a while after that :) Here are some pictures from the shower:
We feel so lucky to have so many great friends to celebrate this big event with! I'm hoping baby girl bakes for a few more weeks and then before we know it, we'll be PARENTS!
Friday, December 7, 2012
33 Week Ultrasound
We had a growth ultrasound today to check on how Abby is doing and it went great! She is estimated to be about 4 pounds 5 ounces and is right on track! I'm still measuring large, but my doctor said that's fine because Abby's size is perfect. All of her measurements and organs looked great too! The tech was not able to see her hands and feet very well because her hands were squished up against her face, but she thought that they looked fine too from what she could tell. Baby girl is head down, with her feet up in my ribs just like I suspected. Although she was kind of doing a little split today and had one foot way up by my ribs and the other down by her face! Silly girl :) Everything with me was great too, my blood pressure was perfect and weight was really good as well (for me, anyway!). I asked the doctor about if I'll be able to go to 40 weeks or not given that I haven't had any complications this far, but she said that no matter what we WILL have a baby by my due date. They won't let me go later because of my preexisting hypertension. So that means we will definitely have a baby in seven weeks or less! Abby is on track to be about 8 to 8.5 pounds if I make it to 40 weeks. Eek! I'm hoping for somewhere between 7 and 8 myself :) Here are a couple of new ultrasound pictures:
I just love her chubby little cheeks! They were able to tell that she has some hair too, so that's exciting. We can't wait to meet her!
33 Weeks!
Today marks 33 weeks! Holy moly, we will have a baby in about 7 weeks (or less!)! That is scary and yet so incredibly exciting too. I've been thinking so much about her this week. I just can't wait to meet her and see what she looks like and hold her skin to skin. It's funny, because I thought that the time we spent doing fertility treatments felt like an eternity...but this pregnancy feels so much longer than those 14 months! I feel like we've been waiting forever for her to be here. As long as she bakes until at least 37 weeks (which is considered full term) I would be happy...although really 38 or 39 weeks would be even better. Any time after that though she is more than welcome to make her appearance! Here's my 33 week picture:
This week Abby is about the size of a durian fruit. I have absolutely NO idea what that is, but here's a picture:
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: None.
Belly Button in or out: Still in.
This week Abby is about the size of a durian fruit. I have absolutely NO idea what that is, but here's a picture:
Abby is probably around 4 pounds and 17 inches long, although we'll get a better estimate later this morning when we have a growth ultrasound! She is heading into yet another growth spurt and could grow up to another inch this week...eek!! I am feeling SOO big and uncomfortable lately. Round ligament pain has been back, to the point where I almost thought that I was having contractions. The pain went away when I changed positions or laid down though, so it was most likely stretching and growing. It was quite painful though! Dave and I were in Walgreens one night when all of a sudden I couldn't walk without sharp pain. I ended up having to go wait in the car and then went home and waited out the pain. I can't even imagine how much more growing I still have left to do. I compared my belly now to some pictures that my sister sent me during her first pregnancy. I think we look about the same size at 32 weeks, but the crazy amount that her belly grew between 32 and 36 weeks is super scary!! And she had my nephew at 38 weeks. I'm honestly really hoping that I have Abby around 38 weeks too because right now I just can't wrap my head around my belly growing that much!
33 Week Survey:
How far along: 33 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up another 2 pounds this week. 3 pounds under my prepregnancy weight at this point.
Maternity clothes: All!
Stretch marks: More old ones are stretching out, especially around my appendectomy scar. I think it's because the skin pulls tighter there already (my scar is quite large, nothing like the tiny ones they make today!)
Maternity clothes: All!
Stretch marks: More old ones are stretching out, especially around my appendectomy scar. I think it's because the skin pulls tighter there already (my scar is quite large, nothing like the tiny ones they make today!)
Sleep: Not great this week. I finally broke down a took a Benedryl one night just to get a full night of sleep. It was total bliss, but since I can't do that every night (or wouldn't feel comfortable doing that, I should say) sleep has been hard to come by lately.
Best moment this week: My mother-in-law took my last blog post about offering a pregnant woman ice cream to heart and sent me a sweet card and a gift certificate for my favorite frozen yogurt shop! That put a huge smile on my face :-) Can't wait to use it!!
Movement: Yes, still quite a bit, although she spends a lot of time sleeping too. The moments I love the most are when she responds to my touch. I took a bath one night and whenever the warm water washed over my belly she stuck her little foot out. It was so fun to watch!
Food cravings: Nothing super specific this week. Sweets, of course. Mostly, I've noticed that while my appetite has grown, my stomach seems to be shrinking. It's really easy for me to overeat and then I just end up feeling sick.Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: None.
Belly Button in or out: Still in.
What I miss: Sleep...while laying on my stomach too!
What I am looking forward to: Our growth ultrasound this morning and couples baby shower tomorrow!
Milestones: Finished our child birth classes!
Milestones: Finished our child birth classes!
Fingers and toes crossed that all goes well at our appointment this morning. I'm hoping to get a few more ultrasound pictures and will update the blog later this weekend with a post about the appointment and also one about our shower!
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