Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thank You

A few days ago, we received a sweet card in the mail from our RE and the staff at The Fertility Center where we conceived. Here is what the card says:

Dear Liz and David,

Congratulations on being pregnant! We are so excited for you both and the amazing journey you have ahead of you. Thank you for allowing us to participate in your care.

Congrats again,
Dr. Young & Staff

The funny thing is, I don't think I could ever say "Thank You" enough to them. I really don't think we would have ever gotten pregnant without Dr. Young and his staff, especially the wonderful nurse who did our IUI. It was certainly not the way I ever imagined that we would make a baby (can somebody say awkward?!), but it worked and hopefully at the end of all of this we'll have our baby and that's all that really matters. We fully intend to try on our own for a little bit once we're ready to have another child, but if it doesn't happen I know that we'll go right back to The Fertility Center and hopefully we'll have as much success as we did this time around. Modern medicine is a pretty incredible thing! Sometimes I remind myself how lucky we are to live in a day and age where there are options for couples who can't conceive on their own. A grandmother that I know was told that she could never have children. She and her husband tried for five years before finally giving up and accepting the fact that they would never have children (her husband did not want to adopt). As luck would have it, a few years later she did in fact get pregnant and eventually went on to have four children and eleven grandchildren...but if she hadn't ever been able to conceive her life would be drastically different in every way. Family is so important to Dave and I, and we really do have The Fertility Center to thank for helping us start a family of our own!

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